Pear Growth Stages and Critical Temperatures

Typical temperatures in Fahrenheit, at which 10% and 90% injury after 30 minutes exposure, is provided under each bud stage image.

To have a full crop of cherries requires well over 50% bud survival in most years, while apples, pears, and peaches may only need 10 - 15% bud survival.

blank space Swollen Bud (Scale Separation) Bud Burst Green Cluster (Tight Cluster)
  swollen bud budburst green cluster
10% kill 15 20 24
90% kill 0 6 15
blank space White Bud (First White) Full White First Bloom (King Blossom)
  white bud Full White first bloom
10% kill 25 26 27
90% kill 19 22 23
blank space First Bloom Petal Fall (Post Bloom)
  first bloom petal fall
10% kill 28 28
90% kill 24 24