Varieties for Utah - Peach

Variety Fruit size Uses Harvest Time Stone Extra Information Zone
Canadian Harmony Medium to large Fresh consumption and canning Mid to late Aug Freestone Flesh is slow to brown and fruit has a longer shelf life than other peaches 5-8
Contender Medium to large Fresh consumption Mid to late Aug Freestone Tolerant of spring frosts 4-8
Cresthaven Medium to large  Fresh consumption, canning and freezing Aug Freestone Fruit is resistant to browning 5-8
Early Elberta Large Fresh consumption and canning Mid- season Freestone Resistant to bruising. One of the few varieties that can ripen well even when picked slightly green 5-8
Elberta Large Canning and fresh consumption Sept Freestone   5-8
Glohaven Large Canning and freezing Mid Aug Freestone More susceptible to spring frost

Halehaven Medium to large Fresh consumption and canning Early Sept Freestone Tree is vigorous and productive. Buds are winter-hardy. Excellent home garden variety 5-8
J.H. Hale Extra large Canning Mid- late season Freestone Requires pollination from another variety of peach or nectarine 5-9
Loring Medium Fresh consumption and canning Mid- Aug Freestone   5-8
Red Globe Very Large  Fresh consumption, canning, and freezing Early to mid Aug Freestone   5-8
Red Haven Medium Fresh consumption and canning Late July Semi-Freestone Non browning fruit. Disease-resistant to leaf spot. Heavy bearing tree that is easy to grow 5-8

Canadian Harmony – Medium to large, freestone peach with 80% bright red blush when fully ripe. Ripens in mid to late August. Yellow moderately firm, non-browning flesh. Superb sweet flavor. Excellent for fresh eating and canning. A very hardy, productive variety. Longer shelf life than other peaches. Self-pollinating.  Zone 5-8

Contender –Medium to large, freestone fruit, Skin is red-orange color with sweet yellow flesh. Ripens in Mid to late August. Very cold hardy, tolerant of late spring frosts. Self-pollinating. Zone 4-8

Cresthaven – Medium to large, freestone fruit is bright red over a gold background. Ripens in August. Flesh is yellow and non-browning. Good for eating, canning and freezing. Zone 5-8

Early Elberta – Large, freestone,  golden yellow peach with very little or no blush. Ripens midseason. Golden yellow flesh with rich, sweet flavor. Excellent for fresh eating and canning. Most popular variety in the area. Resistant to bruising. One of the few varieties that can ripen well even when picked slightly green.

Elberta – Large, freestone, golden yellow fruit blushed with red. Ripens in September. Firm, rich, sweet, yellow flesh. Excellent for fresh eating and canning. Hardy and productive. Self-pollinating. Zone 5-8

Glohaven – Large, freestone, nearly round fruit with a highly colored skin, which is almost fuzzless. Ripens in mid August. Firm, yellow flesh with a pleasant flavor. Superior for canning and freezing. More susceptible to spring frost then other peaches. Self- pollinating. Zone 5-8

Halehaven – Medium to large, freestone fruit with red over yellow skin.  Very sweet skin. Ripens in early September. Yellow, freestone flesh is juicy and flavorful. Good for eating and canning.  Tree is vigorous and productive.  Buds are winter-hardy. Excellent home garden variety. Zone 5-8

J.H. Hale – Extra large, freestone, round fruit with golden skin, mostly covered with red blush. Sweet, firm, yellow flesh. Great for canning. Requires pollination from another variety of peach or nectarine. Ripens mid to late season, very popular late peach. Zone 5-9

Loring – Medium, freestone fruit has a red blush over yellow background. Yellow flesh is firm, medium textured. Good for eating and canning. Ripens in mid August. Zone 5-8

Red Globe – Very large, freestone, round peach. Skin is highly blushed red over golden color. Ripens in early to mid August. Firm, yellow flesh with excellent sweet flavor. One of the most attractive peaches of the season. Excellent for fresh eating, canning, or freezing. Self-fertile. Zone 5-8

Red Haven –Medium, semi- freestone, round fruit. Golden-yellow skin with attractive red blush. Ripens in late July. Non-browning, sweet yellow flesh is firm and smooth textured. Good for canning, freezing, and fresh eating. Redhaven is the standard by which all early peaches are judged. The tree is vigorous and early bearing. Self-pollinating. Disease- resistant to leaf spot. Zone 5-8