Authors and Contact Information

Utah State University IPM Program

Dept. of Biology
5305 Old Main Hill
Logan, UT 84322
Utah Fruit IPM

University of Idaho Extension

Twin Falls County
630 Addison Ave. W.
Suite 1600
Twin Falls, ID  83301
University of Idaho Pomology
Idaho Extension Landscapes and Gardens

Western Colorado Research Center

Colorado State University
3168 B 1/2 Road
Grand Junction, CO 81503-9621
(970) 434-3264
Western Colorado Research Center

Montana State University

Extension IPM Program
121 Plant Bioscience Building
Bozeman, MT 59717
(406) 994-5150
MSU Integrated Pest Management

Brent Black

Fruit Specialist, USU Extension
Co-author - Orchard Floor and Weed Management, Plant Growth Regulation and Thinning, Irrigation

Department of Plant, Soils and Climate/Extension Fruit Crop Specialist
4820 Old Main Hill
Logan, UT 84322-4820
Office: (435) 797-2174
Fax: (435) 797-3376

Grant Cardon

Soils Specialist, USU Extension
Co-author - Nutrition, Irrigation

Peterson Agriculture Science (AGSC) 164
4820 Old Main Hill
Logan, UT 84322-4820
Office: (435) 797-2278

Ron Godin

Area Agronomist, Tri-River Area, CSU Extension
Co-author - Nutrition

Sustainable and Organic Agriculture
525 Dodge St.
Delta, CO 81419
Office: (970) 874-2197
Fax: (970) 874-2192

Harold Larsen

Plant Pathologist, Western Colorado Research Center (emeritus)
Author - Cold Effects on Fruit/Bud Phenology
Co-author - Disease Biology, Pesticide Tables/Information and Crop Spray Management Recommendations, Cold Effects on Fruit

Western Colorado Research Center
3168 B 1/2 Road
Grand Junction, CO 81503-9621
Phone: (970) 434-3264
Fax: (970) 434-1035

Tony McCammon

Assistant Professor, and Area Horticulture Educator, University of Idaho
Publication Editor
Co-author - IPM Methods, Special Pest Management Programs, Insect and Mite Biology, Organic Orchard Management, Crop Spray Management Recommendations, Orchard Floor and Weed Management, Nutrition

Twin Falls County
630 Addison Ave. W.
Suite 1600
Twin Falls, ID  83301

Marion Murray

IPM Project Leader, USU Extension
Publication Coordinator and Editor
Co-author - IPM Methods, Special Pest Management Programs, Insect and Mite Biology, Disease Biology, Pesticide Tables/Information and Crop Spray Management Recommendations, Orchard Floor and Weed Management, Pesticide Information

Dept. of Biology, Utah State University
5305 Old Main Hill
Logan, UT 84322-5305
Office: (435) 797-0776
Fax: (435) 797-8197

Samuel Johnson

Research Farm Manager- Kaysville 
Co-author - Special Pest Management Programs

4810 Old Main Hill
Kaysville, UT 84037
Office: (435) 512-9226

Teryl Roper

Horticulturist and Chair, Plant, Soils, and Climate Department, USU
Co-author - Orchard Floor and Weed Management, Rodent Management, Plant Growth Regulation and Thinning, Special Plant Management Programs

Peterson Agriculture Science (AGSC) 322C
4820 Old Main Hill
Logan, UT 84322-4820
Office: (435) 797-8698
Fax: (435) 797-3376