Orchard Nutrition:  Nutrient Sprays

These recommendations serve as a guide for growers for timing sprays.  Follow labeled rates and timing on all products used. Refer to product label and test for compatibility with other products before tank mixing. See Organic Orchard Management for organic fertilizer sources containing NPK.

Dormant - Apply in Spring Before Buds Open

Nutrient Treatment Rate Per 100 Gal (Dilute) Rate Per Acre Remarks
Zinc maintenance zinc sulfate 36% crystals 1.5-3 lb 6-12 lb Check label and see precautions.
zinc sulfate 0.5 lb/gal LC 0.5 gal 2 gal
Tech-Flo Zeta Zinc 22 1-4 pt 1 qt
Zinc deficiency zinc sulfate 36% crystals 10 lb 40 lb Check label and see precautions.
zinc sulfate 1.2 lb/gal LC 3 gal 12 gal
Tech-Flo Zeta Zinc 1 qt 4 qt

Pre-Pink or Pink - Apply Before Bloom

Nutrient Treatment Rate Per 100 Gal (Dilute) Rate Per Acre Remarks
Boron maintenance Solubor DF 10 oz 3-4 lb Solubor: see label for further details on rates and maximum levels
Borosol 10 8-32 fl oz 1-4 qt
Boron deficiency Solubor DF 1.25 lb 5 lb Solubor WP:  see label for further details on rates and maximum levels and precations
Borosol 10 8-32 fl oz 1-4 qt

Foliar Spray - Apply After Bloom and Before Harvest

Nutrient Treatment Rate Per 100 Gal (Dilute) Rate Per Acre Remarks
Boron maintenance Solubor DF 10 oz 2.5 lb Solubor WP:  multiple applications at low rates are most effective; see label.
Borosol 10 8 fl oz 1 qt
Boron deficiency Solubor DF 1.25 lb 5 lb Solubor WP:  best applied after harvest or before bloom on pears. Multiple applications at low rates are most effective; see label.
Borosol 10 8-16 fl oz 1-4 qt
Calcium (bitter-pit reduction) calcium chloride 3-4 lb 12-16 lb Make 3 to 5 applications as needed from mid-June to mid-August.
Iron deficiency iron chelate See label See label Follow manufacturer's directions.  All chelates break down rapidly under ultra-violet (sun) light.  Spray chelates in evening or on cloudy days. 
Manganese deficiency manganese sulfate 2 lb 8 lb Apply as soon as leaves are well developed.
Zinc deficiency, non-bearing trees zinc sulfate 36% crystals 1.5 lb 6-12 lb  
zinc sulfate 1.2 lb/gal LC 0.5-1 gal 2-4 gal
Tech-flo Zeta Zinc 0.25-1 pt 1-4 pt
Zinc deficiency, bearing trees Tech-flo Zeta Zinc 0.25-1 pt 1-4 pt Caution:  certain varieties of plums, peaches, and apricots are susceptible to zinc excesses.
Magnesium deficiency epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) 10-20 lb 40-80 lb Apply in 3 sprays at 14 day intervals beginning at petal fall.

Post Harvest - Apply in Fall Near Leaf Drop

Nutrient Treatment Rate Per 100 Gal (Dilute) Rate Per Acre Remarks
Nitrogen deficiency (apple only) urea 0.5-2.5 lb 2-10 lb Use only formulations containing 2% or less biuret because of injury risk to tree and fruit.
Boron maintenance Solubor 20.5WP 0.5 lb 2.5 lb See labels
Borosol 10 8 fl. oz 1-4 qt
Boron deficiency Solubor 20.5WP 1 lb 5 lb See labels
Borosol 10 1-2 pt. 1-4 qt
Copper deficiency copper sulfate 53% 1 lb 4 lb  
Kocide 101 (50%) 1 lb 4 lb
Kocide DF (40%) 1.2 lb 4.8 lb
Nitrogen supplement urea 2.5-5 lb 10-20 lb Apples only.  May damage other fruit crops.  Apply before leaf drop.
Zinc maintenance zinc sulfate 36% 1.5-3 lb 6-12 lb Not on apricots. Check label and see precautions.
Tech-flo Zeta Zinc 0.25 qt 1 qt
Zinc deficiency zinc sulfate 36% 2.5-5 lb 10-20 lb Not on apricots. Check label and see precautions.
Tech-flo Zeta Zinc 1 qt 4 qt